Admission open from Nursery to CAIE IX 2024-25. IBDP (XI & XII) 2024-26 is Open.



Yoga connects us with that consciousness which makes us feel the unity of the living being – Shri Narendra Modi

A record number of more than 180 countries in 2014, supported the proposal for Yoga Day when it was tabled in the UN General Assembly making Yoga a global movement and a global spirit through the International Day of Yoga. India’s culture, its spirituality and vision has always nurtured traditions that unite and embrace. Connecting with the consciousness of our civilization, HFSI Powai, Mumbai celebrated the 9th International Yoga Day on 21st June 2023 in their school multipurpose hall.

The session began with warm up exercises by trained Yoga instructors that brought a wave of enthusiasm in the learners. Learners from CAIE Primary grades 1 to 5 learnt various standing and sitting aasanas demonstrated by the instructors. Along with getting to know the importance of each aasana, they felt rejuvenated while performing them and the atmosphere was filled with positivity and calmness. Important aasans like ‘Tadaasana’ or ‘tree pose’ and mudras like ‘gyan mudra’ were introduced to and practiced by learners, together. They were astonished to know how aasanas can help them increase their focus so easily with continuous practice. ‘Suryanamaskars’ performed by the learners were the highlight of the day.

Yoga helps in improving flexibility, concentration, strength and balance. This session was an attempt to celebrate the global spirit of Yoga and promote healthy lifestyle right from a young age. With a pledge of practicing atleast one aasan everyday, the learners ended the session with a mantra or short prayer and learnt the attitude of gratitude - an important part of Yoga.

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